Downloadable content and useful documentation for all Early Years providers
Please scroll down for content.
As the Quality Improvement Team we have devised a range of templates and documents to help support the sector. These can be used as examples to develop your own formats, or modified to be made relevant for your particular setting. Please select from the headings below to browse content currently available.
1. Quality Improvement and Audits
2. Safeguarding
3. Observation, Assessment, Planning
4. Environment
5. Data protection and Record keeping
6. Training
7. Supervision and Appraisal
8. Partnership Working
9. Funding
10. SEND- please use the link in the ‘SEND Documentation’ section for up to date paperwork.
11. Family Information Service (FIS)
Two Year Progress Check template updated June 21
Safeguarding Audit Updated November 2021
Environmental Audit 13th October 2020
Please see below documents to help support in preparing for your first inspection, or re-inspection.
Please see below documents which will help support the observation, assessment and planning processes in your setting.
EYFS Statutory Framework 2017
EYFS Statutory Framework, Sep 21
Please see here information from the Business and Performance team including funding and ‘Provider Portal’ guidance.
Business Health Check – Childminders
Business Health Check – Private & Independent Organisations
Business Health Check – Charitable Organisations
Early Years Entitlements Operational Guidance
Early Education and Childcare Statutory Guidance
DAF User Guide Provider Portal
Please use the link below to access the Local Offer for all up to date SEND documentation.
Please see below any key documentation regarding the current COVID19 pandemic.
Outbreak Guidance for Wirral Educational Settings July 20
Do you have a Wirral Quality Improvement File?
Ask your locality Quality Improvement and Training Officer...
Hard copies of the Wirral Quality Improvement Tool are available for all early years settings. They contain lots of templates, useful information and guidance so please ask if you need a copy.