Quality and Training Team

About Us

Information on the Quality Improvement and Training Team

Please see below updated staff information and available support avenues

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Sarah Harper-
Early Years Operations Manager

Message from
Sarah Harper, Operations Manager...

Welcome to Wirral's online platform for the early years quality improvement and training team.

This is a single point of access for all your training needs in relation to quality, SEND and business- designed as a place to access training, receive national / local updates, download resources, get in touch and monitor continued professional development for your setting.

The platform has been created and developed for you as an Early Years provider. To ensure it continues to meet your needs and to support a partnership working approach, feedback is absolutely vital. If you see something that could be improved, notice an aspect that's missing, or just have some general feedback please get in touch and let us know.

We want to ensure we provide the advice, support and guidance you need in a timely manner, so that you can continue delivering excellent early years opportunities for all children across Wirral. Please explore, engage and enjoy the platform.

Meet our Quality Improvement and Training Officers

Please see below information on each of the officers working in localities across Wirral.

Daniel Franklin Team Leader

  Team Leader

  Mon - Fri

Daniel holds a PGCE as a qualified Early Years teacher and has experience in a number of settings within the sector, including schools, day nurseries and out of school clubs. Daniel  can be found exploring the countryside at the weekends with his family and dog Pippin!

Jo Fahy

  West locality

  Mon - Fri

Jo has enjoyed working in various parts of the childcare sector for around 35 years including Children’s Centres and Family Support. Jo has a vast wealth of knowledge to provide suitable guidance to settings. In her spare time Jo loves spending time with her large family and walking her dog Leo. 

Ellie McMillan

  South locality

  Mon - Thu

Ellie is a qualified NNEB practitioner and has a BA Hons in Early Childhood Studies alongside years of experience in the local authority and the early years sector. Ellie enjoys family life and as much socialising as possible!

Jo Gelling

  Wallasey locality

  Tue - Fri

Jo began as an NNEB student and has worked across settings both in the UK and overseas. Jo is passionate about supporting well-being and discovering about brain development. At the weekend Jo loves spending time with her family and doing anything crafty!

Karen Norbury

  B'head locality

  Mon - Wed

Karen is a qualified NNEB practitioner who has also worked in the management side of Sure Start before moving onto the Childcare Development team supporting early years settings across Wirral. Karen enjoys time with her family (including her grandson) and loves travelling to new places.  

Areas of Support


Awaiting First Inspection Support

Support for all providers in preparation for their first full Ofsted inspection. 


Targeted Support for ‘RI’ and ‘I’ Settings

Bespoke support for all providers judged less than good to improve practice.


Good and Outstanding Setting Visits

Support and guidance to help improve practice further and continually develop.


‘Quality Practice First’ Support Visits

Early intervention support where there are concerns regarding children’s development.


Facilitating Face to Face Training

We facilitate and deliver a range of face to face training opportunities.  


Devising and Delivering Online Training

We create and offer a range of e-learning opportunities for easily accessible CPD.


Facilitating Networking via Cluster Meetings

We run termly cluster meetings as well as a range of networking opportunities with different parts of the sector. 


Bespoke Support for Settings

All of our support and training can be tailored to your individual needs as a setting.

What our providers say...

"I would like to think that we have always had a good working relationship with the LA but I feel that the relationship has cemented even further since our interactions with our QITO. He is a true Early Years Professional."
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Day Nursery
"Thank you for your email and all of your help this morning. We really do appreciate you spending time going through everything with us and following up with the link and information that we need to progress."
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"Thanks guys for the cluster meeting today and for all of your support through this time. I feel reassured now that a lot of what you said we have been putting into place."
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Day Nursery
"You will be pleased to hear my inspection went well and I've now received my certificate. So thank you for all of your help and guidance."
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